General and wellbeing

Adams, T., Banks, M.,Davis, D. and Dickson, J. (2010) The Hobsons Retention Project Australia: Context and Factor Analysis Report, Australia: Hobsons
This paper provides an overview of Australian tertiary education student experience and engagement at undergraduate and postgraduate levels for domestic and international students as related to issues of retention, followed by an analysis of results from a benchmarking exercise that explored how committed case study institutions were to managing retention and minimising attrition. Available here

Altbach, P.G., Reisberg, L. and Rumbley, L.E. (2009) Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution: A Report Prepared for the UNESCO 2009 World Conference on Higher Education, Paris: United  Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
This report examines the changes that have taken place since the 1998 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education. While many trends included in this report were discussed in 1998, the authors argue that they have intensified in the past decade. Here they examine the main engines of change and their impact on higher education. Available here

Athena Swan (2011) Athena SWAN Charter for Women in Science- Measuring success 2011,  London: EQU
A range of areas were investigated as part of this research report: reasons for why individuals,  institutions, and departments engage with Athena SWAN; the changes brought about by the Athena SWAN process; the impact of Athena SWAN on institutions and departments; the experiences of individuals within institutions and departments. Available here

Auger (2019) Independent panel report to the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding- Auger report, London:HMSO
This is a major review of Post-18 (or ‘tertiary’) education in England led by Auger. Available here

AUSSE (2010) Australasian Survey of Student Engagement 2009 Institution Report, Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research The Australasian Survey of Student Engagement(AUSSE) is a validated and established collection of data from first- and later-year students, from coursework postgraduates, and from teaching staff. It collects real-time evidence of behaviour and support. Instead of focusing on student satisfaction/agreement, the AUSSE provides evidence about what students are actually doing, highlights the most critical aspects of student learning and development, provides a ‘learnercentred, whole-of-institution’ perspective, and gives an index of students’ involvement in both study and other relevant activities. Available here

Barber,M., Donnelly, K.,and Rizvi, S. (2013) An Avalanche is coming: Higher Education and the Revolution Ahead, London :Institute for Public Policy Research
An Avalanche is Coming sets out vividly the challenges ahead for higher education, not just in the US or UK but around the world. Just as we’ve seen the forces of technology and globalisation transform sectors such as media and communications or banking and finance over the last two decades, these forces may now transform higher education. The solid classical buildings of great universities may look permanent but the storms of change now threaten them. Available here

Bennett, M (2020) Webinar content on COVID-19 and postgraduate study  Available here

Billige, M., Brook, A., Darlington, N. and Smith, D. (2010) How prepared are English universities for a more deregulated undergraduate environment? London: Simon -Kucher and Partners Strategy and Marketing Consultants
This report looks at the current knowledge base with regard to universities’ approaches to pricing. It provides advice on future pricing in light of the White Paper. Available here

Blackman, T. (2020) What affects student wellbeing? Policy note 21, London: HEPI This policy note looks at whether teaching and feedback are contributing to poor student wellbeing. Available here.

Blake, S., Capper, G. and Jackson, A. (2022) Building Belonging in Higher Education Recommendations for developing  an integrated institutional approach, London: Wonkhe and Pearson
The key to building belonging is integration and the report sets out four foundations to achieve this: connection, inclusion, support and autonomy. The recommendations in this report are purposely practical as they invite us to think through how we can make changes in a range of areas, sometimes incrementally, so that when the collective effort is accumulated, there can be institution-wide, cultural change. Available here

Brown, Sally-  Higher Education Website Professor Sally Brown is a leading practitioner and an extensively published author in higher education. Her useful website includes information on retention issues, suggested reading lists for M Level assessment, change management, and assessment in higher education. Her website can be accessed by clicking on:

Callender, J., Fagin, J.,  Jenkins, G., Lester, J. and Smith, E. (2011) Mental health of student in higher education, London: Royal College of Psychiatrists
The main purpose of this report is to provide an update to a previous Royal College of Psychiatrists document, Mental Health of Students in Higher Education, published in 2003. Over the past decade, the demographics of the student population have undergone many changes that are of relevance to the provision of mental healthcare. The numbers of young people in higher education have expanded and they have become more socially and culturally diverse. There have been increasing numbers of students drawn from backgrounds with historically low rates of participation in higher education and growing numbers of international students. Social changes such as the withdrawal of financial support, higher rates of family breakdown and, more recently, economic recession are all having an impact on the well-being of students and other young people. Available here

Crawford, C. and Jin, W. (2014) Payback Time? Student debt and loan repayments: what will the 2012 reforms mean for graduates? London: Institure of Fiscal Studies
Funding for universities changed significantly in 2012. Students are now expected to repay a much greater proportion of the costs of their higher education upon graduation, as government has switched most of the teaching grant into tuition fees. This important new report by Claire Crawford and Wenchao Jin from the Institute for Fiscal Studies explores the full impact of these changing debts for the first time. Available here

Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (2009) Higher Ambitions- The future if universities in a knowldge ecomnoy: Executive summary,  London: BIS The document sets proposals in six main areas and sets out a strategy for sustaining the strength of higher education in this increasingly demanding and competitive environment. Available here

Department of Business Innovation and Skills (2015) Fulfilling our potential : Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice, London:DBIS This consultation contains proposals to reshape the higher education landscape to have students at its heart. Its core aims are to raise teaching standards, provide greater focus on graduate employability, widen participation in higher education, and open up the sector to new high-quality entrants. This document sets out proposals for how the Government’s manifesto commitment to introduce a Teaching Excellence Framework will deliver better value for money for students, employers and taxpayers. It also sets out plans to drive social mobility by further increasing higher education participation by those from disadvantaged and under-represented groups. Available here

Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (2016) Success as a Knowledge Economy: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice, London: DBIS The White Paper. Available here

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2013) International Education – Global Growth and Prosperity: An Accompanying Analytical Narrative, London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
This analysis identifies a number of challenges facing the UK education sector including: migration policy; institutional strategies and structures; competition from new types of providers and barriers to market entry. Available here

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2011) Undergraduate Applications, Offers and Acceptances 2011, Canberra: DEEWR
Over the past four years, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has been working closely  with the higher education sector to improve the quality, comprehensiveness and detail of the data available on demand for  higher education. In 2009, DEEWR published a detailed report based on the first unit record data collection on applications  and offers processed through the state Tertiary Admissions Centres (TACs). The 2011 report updates this analysis with the latest year of data from TACs, and data on applications submitted directly to universities. Available here

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2011) Higher Education Report 2009, Australia: DEEWR
The Higher Education Report 2009 provides an overview of the higher education sector and its major achievements in 2009; details of funding allocations under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA); and an overview of program outcomes (including the allocation of places). Available here

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2012) Higher Education Report 2010, Canberra: DEEWR
The Higher Education Report 2010 is part of a suite of publications which report on the Australian higher education sector in 2010. The Higher Education Report 2010 provides an overview of the higher education sector and its major achievements in 2010; details of funding allocations under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA);  and an overview of program outcomes (including the allocation of places). This publication primarily relates to higher education matters and programs which fall within the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) but does include some information on research block grant programs which are administered by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR). Available here

Donnelly, M. and Gamsu, S. (2018) Home and Away: Social, ethnic and spatial inequalities in student mobility, London: Sutton Trust
This report explores the patterns of student mobility at universities across the UK. Available here

Enlitened (2020) What impact has COVID-19 had on university students? Findings from the Enlitened platform, Brighton: Enlitened This report provides a snapshot of the current landscape for our Enlitened partner institutions during the time frame stated. The sample is not representative of the wider population. Available here

Fielden, J. (2007) Global Horizons for UK Universities, London: CHIE
The purpose of this report is to provide decision makers in universities with ideas on how they might further internationalise their institutions. The report takes a comprehensive, wide ranging definition of what internationalisation actually means and distinguish between those activities on a UK campus and those undertaken overseas.  Available here

Forbes-Mewett, H and Sawyer, A (2016) International Students and Mental Health in Journal of International Students, 6 (3) 661-677
This paper reports on in-depth interviews with 16 professionals working with international students at an internationalised university. Available here

Foskett,N., Roberts, D. and Maringe, F. (2006) Changing Fee Regimes and their Impact on Student Attitudes to Higher Education -Report of a Higher Education Academy Funded Research, York: HEA This research project, funded by the Higher Education Academy and undertaken during 2005-2006 was conducted to provide evidence of the impact of the introduction of the new variable HE fees regime in England on the decision-making of young people about HE admission and on the shape and organisation of the HE undergraduate market place. The research had three main strands:
1. A study of the implementation of variable fee regimes in Australia and New Zealand to inform our understanding of the possible impacts of the new fee regime in England
2. A study of the response of universities in England to the new fee model in terms of their operational processes and admissions policies and practices
3. A study of what potential applicants know and understand about the new fee regime, and how this is impacting upon their processes of decision making and application and on their expectations about the nature of and value of higher education. Available here

Higher Education Academy (2012) The Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success, York: HEA
This compendium presents a wide range of contributions all focused on improving the student experience in  universities. In identifying ‘what works’ through examples of good practice and increased understanding, the compendium offers colleagues evidence that will enable change to take place in institutions. There are contributions from several of the projects funded through the recently completed Student Retention and Success programme funded by HEFCE and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. Available here

Higher Education Funding Council for England (2012) HEFCE Equality and Diversity Scheme 2012/14, HEFCE The new Equality and Diversity Scheme sets out HEFCE’s approach to equality and diversity, both within HEFCE itself and in its work with the higher education sector, for the next three years. This includes their approach to meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.HEFCE believes that a diverse and inclusive organisational culture – one in which everyone feels valued and can learn or work to their full potential – makes for a more effective and productive workforce. This applies both within HEFCE and in the higher education sector. It also contributes to a better functioning society.
The equality and diversity scheme sets out HEFCE’s approach to equality and diversity across three of their key roles:
Role 1: As a funder and regulator
Role 2: Protecting student interests
Role 3: As an employer.

The Report and Action plan aims to put equality and diversity at the centre of HE. The Report Available here  Action plan Available here

Higher Education Funding Council for England (2013) Destinations of leavers from higher education in further education colleges Key findings: leavers up to academic year 2010-11, Bristol: HEFCE This document is the first comprehensive publication of destinations information for higher education provision registered at HEFCE-funded further education colleges (FECs) in England. Available here

Higher Education Funding Council for England (2017) Higher education in England 2016 Key Facts September 2016/20, Bristol: HEFCE
This updated edition of ‘Higher Education in England: Key Facts’ provides a statistical overview of key sector trends and developments in 2016. Using the most recent data, it draws together key findings from a range of reports published by HEFCE over the past year to provide a robust, accessible evidence base. All the data analysed in the
report can be found online at Available here

Hughes, G. and Spanner, L. (2019)  The University Mental Health Charter, Leeds: Student Minds
The University Mental Health Charter is an attempt to begin to address this need for greater clarity. In developing the Charter, we have sought to create an evidenced informed framework that can guide the work of universities and others across the sector. It is also hoped that this comprehensive framework will provide a structure for theoretical debate and enquiry for theorists and researchers in this field. Available here

Hughes, G., Upsher, R., Nobili,  A., Kirkman, A., Wilson, C., Bowers-Brown, T.,  Foster, J., Bradley, S.  and Byrom, N. (2022) Education for Mental Health Enhancing Student Mental Health through Curriculum and Pedagogy, York: AdvanceHE This Education Toolkit is one of  a number of resources created to support students through the student journey whilst at University. This handbook looks specifically at definitions of mental health and wellbeing, and creating a holistic infrastructure. Available here  

Also see below:Wilson, W.,  Knight, G.,  Leadbeater, W.,  Shephard, N., Shokr, H.,  Taylor, J., Vettraino, E., Warren, A., and Higson, H. (2022) Curriculum design for mental health and wellbeing: guidance and resources for learning and teaching development programmes in higher education, York: AdvanceHE

Jones, G. and Philp, C. (2011) ‘Challenging student behaviour’, Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 15: 1, 19-23 The purpose of the paper is to look at the underlying causes of student misconduct and to identify a number of strategies to deal with student behaviour in order to prevent its escalation to a more formal stage. Available here

Jones, G. (2010) ‘Managing student expectations’, Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 14: 2, 44-48 The paper examines the challenges and approaches to managing student expectations in a more ‘consumerist’ HE environment given the impact of top-up tuition fees. Available here

Kirby, P (2016) Degrees of Debt:Funding and finance for undergraduates in Anglophone countries, London: Sutton Trust This study compares tuition funding arrangements, debt at graduation and earnings outcomes for full-time domestic undergraduates in eight Anglophone countries: the UK (England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland), United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Available here

Marshall, S (2017) Rising to the challenges of Tomorrow, York: Higher Education Academy
This short report sets out to identify key challenges for higher education, as seen by a range of global leaders, moving on to how these might be addressed, focusing on workforce development. Available here

McIntosh, E. and Shaw, J. (2017) Student Resilience: Exploring the positive case for resilience, Bristol: UNITE This paper takes a closer look at the subject of student resilience. The paper outlines, while the study of student resilience is still very much in its infancy in the UK, there is recognition that student mental wellbeing is a growing challenge, and one which needs greater consideration. Available here

Montacute, R. (2018) Internships -Unpaid, unadvertised, unfair, London: Sutton Trust A research brief on internships. Available here

Morgan, M. (2012) The evolution of student services in the UK, Perspectives: policy and practice in higher education, Vol 16, issue 3, p77-84 This paper firstly, looks at the evolution of student services over the past thirty years resulting from government legislation, social pressures and trends, a change in the student body and an increase in student expectations. Second, it discusses the importance of the role, and, thirdly, highlights the challenges facing student services in the coming years. Available here

National Suicide Prevention Strategy Delivery Group (2019) Preventing suicide in England: Fourth progress report of the cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives, London: Department of Health and Social Care
This report is the fourth looking at preventing suicide in England. It reports the strategy and successes to date in reducing suicides. Available here

National Union of Students (2020) Coronavirus and students survey- NUS Insight, London: NUS
NUS and OneVoice Digital jointly conducted a survey of students to listen to and understand the student voice during the Coronavirus pandemic. This is a report of their findings. Available here

Office of the Independent Adjudicator, Annual Report 2013, Reading:OIA The report highlights the complaints received in 2013. Available here

Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (2019) OIA Annual Report 2018, Reading:OIA This Report gives an overview of the important work the OIA has done during the year. Available by going to:

Perkins, J. (2013) Review of Engineering Skills, London, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills This review looks at the status of Engineering Skills in the UK and provides recommendations of how to meet the shortfall. Available here

Pokorny, H., Holley, D. and Kane, S. (2016) Commuting, transitions and belonging: the experiences of students living at home in their first year at university, SpringerLink Open access High Educ DOI 10.1007/s10734-016-0063-3
In this study, the cross-case analysis of students’ lives challenges the conventional home–university model of transition and highlights the importance of acknowledging the influence of this complex symbiotic relationship for students who attend university and live at home. The paper argues that as with stay-at-home holidays, or ‘‘staycations’’, which are of such crucial importance to the tourism industry, so stay-at-home students or commuter students are vital to higher education and the term utilised here is ‘‘stayeducation’’. Available here

Ramsden, P. (2008) The future of higher education teaching and the student experience, London: Department of Business, Innovation and Skills
The aim of this contribution is to provide a reference point for policy decisions about teaching and the student experience over the next 10-15 year period. Available here

Ramsden, B. (2009) Patterns of higher education institutions in the UK: Nineth report, London Universities UK
The ninth report follows the established format of the Patterns series. Section A looks at sector level trends over the 10-year period from 1998/99 to 2007/08 and provides the context for the findings about institutions. Section B looks at patterns of institutional diversity and updates information on higher education provided in the earlier Patterns reports. Section C focuses on a range of statistical information about higher education in Europe, and the UK’s relationship with this. It contains a wide range of interesting data. Available here

Radloff, A. and Coates H, . (2011) Student engagement in New Zealand’s universities, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research
This report looks at Australasian Student Engagement (AUSSE), Postgraduate Student Engagement (POSSE) and Staff Student Engagement Survey (SSES). Available here

Richard, N., Lowe, R. and Hanks, C. (2017) Go International Report – Gone International:mobility works Report on the 2014–15 graduating cohort, London: Universities UK This report by Universities UK International compares the academic attainment and employment outcomes of mobile and non-mobile first degree undergraduate students who completed their studies at the end of the 2014–15 academic year1. It provides the third annual national outline of who goes abroad, and considers what currently available data can tell us about the outcomes of international experience as part of a UK undergraduate programme. The findings in this report also aim to inform discussions within the sector about increasing participation of underrepresented groups in outward mobility opportunities, by identifying specific outcomes for these groups. Available here

Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council (2012) Scottish Participation in Further and Higher Education 2006-07 to 2010-11, Edinburgh:SFC This report examines levels of participation by the Scottish post school leaving population at school, UK universities and Scotland’s colleges. Participation has been measured both in terms of the number of participants and the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) which provides a useful indication of the volume of activity. Available here

Student Minds(2018) Know before you go- helping you navigate university life,  London: Southern Universities Network and Student Minds A handbook providing preparation advice to students before they start university. Available here

Student Minds (2018) Transitions, London: Southern Universities Network and Student Minds A handbook providing advice to students when at university. It includes information on wellbeing, safety and academic study. Available here

Sykes, J. (2007) Improving the student experience – how can the Library help? London: LSE Online This presentation looks at the challenges for libraries in meeting the needs of the new generation of students and asks if the future of libraries and librarians is threatened by the latest technological developments? Available here

Tan, A.H.T.,Muskat, B. and Zehrer, A.(2016) A Systematic Review of Quality of Student Experience in Higher Education in International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 8(2):209-228
This paper is a systematic literature review on quality of student experience in the higher education sector. The study identifies and synthesizes major streams of research on quality of student experience in higher education and presents an agenda for future research. As a result five major research topics in the field of student experience in higher education are identified and described:  1. exploration of learning experience; 2. exploration of student experience; 3. gender differences in assessment of higher education experience; 4. improvement in quality of student experience; and 5. student satisfaction with higher education experience. Available here.

Thomas, L. (2012) Building student engagement and belonging in Higher Education at a time of change: a summary of findings and recommendations from the What Works? Student Retention & Success programme, London: Paul Hamlyn Foundation This report is therefore greatly to be welcomed. It provides a timely and important set of insights into What Works? based on the experience of a wide range of interventions across the sector. Available here

Thomas, T., Hill, M. O’Mahony, J. and Yorke M. (2017)Supporting student success: strategies for institutional change What Works? Student Retention & Success programme-Final Report, London:Paul Hamlyn Foundation This is the full report from the What Works? 2 programme, and it draws together evidence from 13 institutions, 43 discipline areas, and many interventions and changes over more than three years. Available here

Thompson, D. (2020) Degrees of sanity: the mental health of students post-COVID1, webinar slides  Available here

Thorley, C. (2017)  NOT BY DEGREES: Improving student mental health in the UK’s universities, London: Institute for Public Policy Research This detailed report looks at the increase of mental health in UK universities, the challenges facing institutions and  provides recommendations. Available here

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service  (2017) End of cycle report: qualifications and competition, Cheltenham: UCAS
This report provides the breakdown acceptance and entry qualifications into UK higher education in 2017. Available here

University and Colleges Union (2010) Early careers: A UCU guide for new staff in further and higher education, London: UCU
This is a guide for staff who are new to, or are considering, a career in post-school education. It contains professional guidance on finding the right job, what to expect  when you start work, and tips on getting the most from your career. Available here

University of Brighton,University of York, Bournemouth University, Plymouth University (2016) Research into the international student experience in the UK 2015-16, London: UKCISA This is the second publication presenting the work of members who were funded by UKCISA in 2015-16 with small grants. The research carried out by the University of Brighton explored the impact of attending an International Foundation Year (IFY) on international students’ experience of the transition into higher education (HE). The research presents data including quotes from students and throws up surprising results. It highlights that it takes time for students to comprehend the impact of their foundation year experience and it also finds significant differences in the experience of students depending on their academic discipline. The research report concludes with practical suggestions on how institutions can support students’ sense of belonging, engagement and success in their first year of higher education. The University of York’s research was designed to assess the impact of a programme of intercultural training and events on the attitudes and experiences of ‘home’ and ‘international’ students in two colleges at the university. Although the response rate to surveys was low, the researchers draw some interesting, if tentative, conclusions and offer suggestions for future research. The Appendix to the report includes examples of the material used in the intercultural training and a resource guide as well as contact details for the research team. Bournemouth University’s research investigated the barriers faced by international students who wanted to take up a work placement or part time work but were unable to do so. The report presents data from the results of a survey (which you can read in full in the Appendix) and focus groups and suggests ideas for further research. Plymouth University was highly commended in the inaugural Paul Webley Award for Innovation in International Education, 2016. The Plymouth team carried out three stages of research: a questionnaire, focus groups and a project group followed by individual interviews. The aim was to explore the wellbeing of international students, their understanding and attitude towards counselling and practical steps the counselling service and the university might take to support international students in their transition to the UK. The researchers offer an insightful conclusion through interpretation of the findings and statements from students. Available here

UNESCO (2009)  Global Education Digest 2009 -Comparing Education Statistics Across the World, Canada:UNESCO
This edition of the Global Education Digest analyses the rising demand for higher education, represented by an increase from 100.8 million tertiary students worldwide in 2000 to 152.5 million in 2007. It examines a range of issues, including how many attain tertiary qualifications, and in which fields of education, international student mobility, as well as levels and sources of financing for tertiary education. The analysis draws on data published in this report, including new time series data on tertiary education from 1970 onwards. Available here

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2011) Global Education Digest 2010- Comparing Education Statistics Across the World: Focus on Secondary Education, Canada:UNESCO Institute for Statistics
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) annually publishes the Global Education Digest (GED) in order to present the latest education statistics worldwide. Each year it highlights a special theme, which is analysed based on a subset of relevant indicators drawn from the statistical tables of the report. This year’s edition of the Digest looks at key issues and indicators for secondary education. Available here

Universities UK (2015) Student mental wellbeing in higher education:Good practice guide, London:UUK
This guidance has been written for senior leaders and managers, and aims to support institutions in their promotion of mental wellbeing and in the support they provide for students experiencing mental health difficulties. The guidance highlights clear routes of support, ease of access and appropriate adjustments to the learning and living environment as positive enablers for students. Available here

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2012) Population and Vital Statistics Report Statistical Papers Series A Vol. LXIV, New York: United Nations
This issue of the Population and Vital Statistics Report presents data for countries or areas on population size (total, male, and female) from the latest available census, estimated total population size for 2009 or 2010 (the later available year), and the number and rate of vital events (live births, deaths, and infant deaths) for the latest available year within the past 15 years (1996-2010). These data are presented as reported by national statistical authorities to the Demographic Yearbook of the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. This issue also presents data for the world and its major areas and regions1 on estimated population size for both 2009 and 2010. These estimates were prepared by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Available here

UNITE (2014) Living and Learning in 2034- A higher education futures project, University Alliance and UNITE
This report explores how students might live in the future scenarios HE shapes. Available here

University Partnerships Programme (2017) Skills to pay the bills How students pick where to study and where to work, London:UPP
This discussion guide captures the findings, conclusions and policy questions that emerge from UPP’s research with 1,000 undergraduate students currently in higher
education. This research was conducted by YouthSight and is representative of the student population by gender, course year, and university group. Available here

Van Stolk, C., Tiessen, J., Clift, J. and Levitt, R. (2007) Student retention in higher education courses. International comparison, Cambridge: RAND Corporation
This report was commissioned by the National Audit Office to explore student retention from an international perspective. Literature review and interviews with experts were undertaken in four selected countries: Australia, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United States. For the selected countries, the report provides: •an overview of their systems of higher education and analyses of the rates of student-non-continuation on higher education courses over the past ten years;
•a review of approaches used by higher education institutions to maximise the likelihood of student retention;
•reasoned conclusions on the effectiveness of the approaches to student retention;
•lessons that might be transferable to the UK to inform approaches in this area. Available here

Wilson, W.,  Knight, G.,  Leadbeater, W.,  Shephard, N., Shokr, H.,  Taylor, J., Vettraino, E., Warren, A., and Higson, H. (2022) Curriculum design for mental health and wellbeing: guidance and resources for learning and teaching development programmes in higher education, York: AdvanceHE This Education Toolkit is one of  a number of resources created to support students through the student journey whilst at University. The information and resources outlined in this handbook are designed to support the development of knowledge and understanding regarding the transactional relationship between wellbeing and learning. They are also designed to help structure consideration of the implications for curriculum design and inform positive action in educational practice. Available here

Also see above: Hughes, G., Upsher, R., Nobili,  A., Kirkman, A., Wilson, C., Bowers-Brown, T.,  Foster, J., Bradley, S.  and Byrom, N. (2022) Education for Mental Health Enhancing Student Mental Health through Curriculum and Pedagogy, York: AdvanceHE

Wonkhe and Pearson (2022) Students’ perceptions of belonging and inclusion at university, London: Wonkhe and Pearson
These are the findings of a major survey of 5,233 students, undertaken in partnership with 15 students’ unions across the UK. Available here