
Blackbullion (2022) Student Money & Wellbeing -How are money worries and the cost of living crisis impacting students, Blackbullion
This report paints a complex picture of student finances in 2022 and what it means to be a student facing a future shaped by troubling macro global forces, from Covid through to the cost of living crisis. Available here

Brown, M (2019)  Attitudes of higher education applicants, students and graduates towards the student finance system -research report, London: Department of Education and YouthSight
This report has been prepared by YouthSight, a specialist youth research agency. It presents the findings of a survey commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) to explore the attitudes of applicants, students and graduates towards the student finance system. Available here

Callender, C. (2009) Awareness, Take-Up and Impact of Institutional Bursaries and Scholarships in England: Summary and Recommendations, Bristol: Office for Fair Access This document summarises the key findings of the first major national study of bursaries and scholarships. It explores the awareness, take-up and impact of institutional bursaries and scholarships in England from the perspective of higher education institutions (HEI), full-time undergraduate students, their parents, and higher education (HE) advisors in schools and colleges. The study was commissioned by the Office for Fair Access. This document explores: how HEIs have responded to the call to introduce bursaries and scholarships for full-time undergraduates in England; how students, their parents, and HE advisors in schools and colleges have reacted to bursaries and scholarships; whether bursaries and scholarships are promoting student choice and influencing student behaviour and whether students’ HE decisions are influenced by both the availability and generosity of institutional financial support, and if so how? Available here

Canadian Education Project (CanEd) (2010) Canadian Student Survey Next Steps: Upper-Year Canadian PSE Students’ Future Plans and Debt, Canada: Higher Education Strategy Associates
This report, “Next Steps: Upper-Year Canadian PSE Students’ Debt and Aspirations,” is the second in a series of three research papers that are being published using the results of the Canadian Student Survey. This research report focuses on upper-year students (i.e. fourth- and fifth-year students), and explores their future plans, accumulated debt and the intersection of the two. The research found that Canada’s soon-to-be-graduates are nervous about entering the workforce and finding jobs to suit their newly-obtained credentials. Canada’s soon-to-be-graduates are also planning to pursue further post-secondary education, particularly Masters programs; most plan to pursue those plans within a couple of years of completing their undergraduate education. Available here

Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI) and London South Bank (2005) Students’ attitudes to debt and term-time working and their impact on attainment, London: Universities UK
This study aimed to investigate full-time higher education students’ attitudes to debt and term-time working and their impact on academic studies and attainment. It was commissioned by Universities UK and the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The findings are based on a postal survey of final year, full-time home undergraduates in seven universities across the UK and on focus groups with students and university staff. Available here

Cribb, J., Hood, A. and Joyce, R. (2016) The Economic Circumstances of Different Generations, London: The Institute for Fiscal Studies
This briefing note provides an up-to-date and comprehensive picture of the incomes and wealth of different cohorts as they have moved through their lives. It is partly an update of previous work by some of the same authors,3 which focused on those born between the 1940s and the 1970s. The key finding of that research was that, compared with those born 10 years earlier at the same age, those born in the 1960s and 1970s have no higher take home incomes; have saved no more of their previous take-home income; are less likely to own a home; probably have lower private pension wealth relative to their earnings; and will tend to find that their state pensions replace a smaller proportion of previous earnings. On the other hand, they expect to inherit more wealth – perhaps the main reason they could still hope to be better off than their predecessors in retirement, on average. Available here

Heynat,J., Research, J.H. and Davies, S. (2012) Mapping the Evidence: A Review of the Literature: Student Financial Support in Further and Higher Education, London: National Union of Students
This detailed report, commissioned by the Student Financial Support Commission, presents an overview of the student financial support structures across further and higher education and identifies gaps in the evidence. Available here

Jones, A (2022) POLICY BRIEFING Learning with the lights off: students and the cost-of-living crisis, London:million +
This report looks at how universities can support their students during the cost of living crisis. Available here

McInnis, C. and Hartley, R (2002) Managing Study and Work-The impact of full-time study and paid work on the undergraduate experience in Australian universities, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia This study examines the impact of full-time undergraduate students’ employment on their experience of university life and their academic performance.   Available here

million+ and London Economics (2013) What’s the value of a UK degree?, London: London Economics
What’s the  Value of a UK Degree? investigates the economic costs and benefits of investment in higher education to the Exchequer, taxpayer and the individual.  Available here

million + (2013) Behind the Headlines: Higher education funding in England: do the alternatives add up? London: London School of Economics and million +
The report looks at alternative funding methods. Available here

Phillimore, J and Koshy, P. (2010) The Economic Implications of Fewer International Higher Education Students in Australia, Perth: Australian Technology Network of Universities
This report looks at the economic implications of less international students choosing to study in Australia. It looks at recent trends, prospects and scenarios. Available here

Purcell, K. and Elias, P. (2010) The impact of paid and unpaid work and of student debt on experience of higher education: Working Paper 3, Warwick: HECSU In this paper, the authors cover two important themes that have become central to HE policy and practice: the growth of student employment, particularly during term, and the extent to which debt and anticipation of debt affect the experience of HE and the choices and aspirations that final year students had as they approached the transition to the next stage of their careers. Available here

Universities UK (2013) The funding environment for universities: an assessment, London: UUK 
This report examines the impact on the higher education sector of the changes that have taken place in recent years in the funding of undergraduate students, and in student immigration arrangements.  The report predominantly focuses on three areas of higher education provision in the UK:
• UK- and EU-domiciled undergraduate students
• UK- and EU-domiciled postgraduate students
• Non-EU-domiciled undergraduate and postgraduate students      Available here

Usher, A. (2005) Global Debt Patterns: An International Comparison of Student Loan Burdens and Repayment Conditions. Toronto, ON: Educational Policy Institute
The purpose of this study is to move beyond debates about income-contingency or non-income contingency as a means of loan repayment and focus on the specific nature of the
debt burden facing students in different countries. Available here