Crosling, G., Thomas, L. and Heaney, M. (2008) Improving Student Retention in Higher Education- The role of teaching and learning, London: Routledge Improving Student Retention in Higher Education provides a practical, curriculum-based response to the current situation in higher education, where participating students emanate from a range of backgrounds; international and lower socioeconomic backgrounds, mature aged students, students with disabilities as well as those for whom higher education is the first family experience. Underpinned by research indicating that students are more likely to continue with higher education if they are engaged in their studies and have developed networks and relationships with their fellow students, this book presents best practice examples of innovative and inclusive curriculum, from a range of countries. Click here to view.
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2016) Teaching Excellence Framework: Technical Consultation for Year Two, London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills This consultation presents detailed proposals for:
• how the TEF will assess teaching excellence;
• the criteria that will define teaching excellence;
• how judgements about excellence will be made, including the evidence base and use of core metrics;
• how TEF outcomes will be communicated.  Available here
GuildHE (2018) Practice-Informed Learning- The Rise of the Dual Professional, London: GuildHE This report draws together 19 case studies from 17 GuildHE member institutions, to explore the key benefits and challenges of delivering practice informed learning in higher education. Available here
Groccia, J.E. & Hunter, M.S. (2012) The first-year seminar: Designing, Implementing and assessing courses to support student learning and success: Vol. II. Instructor training and development, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, The National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. The First-Year Seminar: Designing, Implementing, and Assessing Courses to Support Student Learning and Success, a five-volume series, is designed to assist educators who are interested in launching a first-year seminar or revamping an existing program. Each volume examines a different aspect of first-year seminar design or administration and offers suggestions for practice grounded in research on the seminar, the literature on teaching and learning, and campus-based examples.
Hadfield,M., Dhillon, J., Jopling, M. and Goffe, R. (2012) Teaching Matters, London: Million + Teaching that Matters investigates how these universities support high quality teaching and learning and thousands of students,many of whom in previous generations would not have had the opportunity to benefit from the opportunities that higher education provides. Available here
Howson, K.C.B. (2017) Evaluation of HEFCE’s Learning Gain Pilot Projects, London: King’s College London
This first annual report of the evaluation of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)’s Learning Gain pilot projects programme follows 13 pilot projects involving over 70 higher education institutions. Available here
Huxley, C., Green, M., Swift, S. and Pollard, E. (2017)Â Accelerated degrees in Higher Education Case study report, Brighton: Institute for Employment Studies
The Institute for Employment Studies (IES) was commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to undertake a literature review and a series of case studies. Since the report was commissioned responsibility for higher education policy has transferred to the Department for Education (DfE). The case studies reported here complement the literature review by presenting a picture of how accelerated degrees were currently being delivered and identify examples of good practice. Available here
National Union of Students (2012) Student Experience Research 2012 Part 4: First Year Student Experience- Student experience research to gain insight into the quality of the learning experience, London: National Union of Students The report looks at the responses of the 5,000 UK higher education students surveyed on their experience of studying in the first year. Available here
Pollard,E., Hadjivassiliou, K., Swift, S., and Green, M. (2017) Accelerated degrees in Higher Education Literature review by the Institute for Employment Studies, London: Department of Education
This review reports the findings of the most up-to-date research and current thinking on accelerated degrees as an alternative mode of study in HE that enables a more flexible institutional delivery system. Available here
The case study report accompanies the review. Available here
Race, P. (2010) Making learning happen: second edition, London: Sage Publications This second edition provides an accessible and practical discussion of teaching and learning for the post-compulsory sector of higher and further education. Central to the book is the author’s well-known `ripples on a pond’ model of learning, which identifies fundamental factors underpinning successful learning:
- wanting to learn;
- taking ownership of the need to learn;
- learning by doing;
- learning through feedback;
- making sense of what is being learned;
- deepening learning through explaining, coaching, teaching;
- further deepening learning through assessing – making informed judgements.
The book encourages teachers and students to address these factors head-on in a wide range of contexts, including large-group teaching, the design of assessment, small-group work, reflection, and in making good use of formative feedback.
Sharples, M., de Roock, R.,Ferguson,R., Gaved, M.,Herodotou,C.,Koh,E., Kukulska-Hulme,A., Looi,C., McAndrew, P., Rienties, B., Weller, M. and Lung Hsiang Wong (2016) Innovating Pedagogy 2016:Exploring new forms of teaching, learning and assessment, to guide educators and policy makers, Open University and National Institute of Education, Singapore This report is one of a series of reports exploring new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. This fifth report proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education. The report looks at educational terms, theories, and practices that have the potential to provoke major shifts in educational practice, particularly in post-school education as well as ten sketches of new pedagogies that might transform education. Available here
Williamson, K.J., Coughlin, A., Small, T.and Thompson, J. (2006) A Guide to Understanding Learning Power with the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory – ELLI, Bristol: University of Bristol The Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) has proved to be a powerful tool for generating awareness, reflection and personal development planning about learning over the last five years in Higher Education. It has been used effectively across a range of institutions, subject areas and levels of study to raise learner self awareness and to promote learner development. Most recently ELLI has provided both useful quantitative data and been a catalyst for much valuable qualitative data in the Dispositions to Stay and Succeed project. This Guide is for teachers and learners in Higher Education and is to help them understand and improve their capacity to learn using ELLI. Available here