Assessment and Feedback

JISC (2021) AI in tertiary education A summary of the current state of play April 2021, Bristol: JISC This report has two main aims: to summarise the types of AI applications that are available in education today and to provide a number of case studies where they have already demonstrated impact. Available here

Sambell.K.and Brown.S. (2020) Covid19 Response -Fifty tips for replacements for time-constrained, invigilated on-site exams. Available here This guide focuses on how to provide rapid replacements to exams during the current Coronavirus outbreak. It has been produced by Sally Brown and Kay Sambell, with help from across the sector.

Race, P. (2009) The Lecturer’s Tool Kit: A practical guide to assessment, learning and teaching, Oxon: Routledge The Lecturer’s Toolkit is the primary resource for all teachers in higher education, whatever their experience, who are seeking to improve their teaching skills. It has been developed around detailed and practical guidance on the core elements of effective teaching in HE. It is packed full of accessible advice and helpful tips. This fully updated edition covers key topics including:

  • learning styles
  • assessment
  • lecturing
  • personal management skills
  • formative feedback
  • large and small group teaching
  • blended learning
  • resource based and online learning
  • peer observation of teaching.

The Lecturer’s Toolkit is an excellent book for anyone teaching in higher education as well as for those who want to reflect on and develop existing skills.

Race, P.  Website This website provides information on Phil Race’s Model of Learning assessment, feedback, learning and teaching in higher education advice. The website is an open educational resource, and Phil’s intention is to make as many as possible of his ideas and tips available to anyone who can benefit from them. His website can be accessed by clicking on: